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At the age of 18 I had just moved to college and was in my first semester. I was an athlete my entire life from swimming, basketball, lacrosse, softball, and any other activity I could get involved in. I worked out at local gyms and prided myself in eating "healthy". Even starting college I stuck to a rigorous work out routine that consisted of running several miles and full body workouts. I had a diet that was oatmeal, eggs, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and fruits. I would pass on the pizza, fried chicken and sweet treats. 

Towards the end of my first semester I began to notice what later would be symptoms and my body's signs of something isn't right. I would get very red in the face during my workouts that remained for hours after I finished a workout. It felt as though my face was burning and I would be in hives. It was an everyday thing to the point of developing anxiety and embarrassment. I also was gaining weight rapidly despite my "healthy" eating and long runs. Around 15-20 lbs. within a couple of months. These symptoms worsened and I finally went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Thyroid Disease - Hypothyroidism. 

This began my journey of monthly blood workups, prescriptions to three different pills for the rest of my life, weight changes, development of animal allergies, food allergies and intolerances, hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin, burning eyes, crashed metabolism, exhaustion, depression, fatty liver, shot adrenal glands, and leaky gut.

After, one year fighting this disease medically I had a severe allergic reaction at dinner one night. I couldn't proceed with this route of doctors who were saying they didn't know when things would balance out. My mom found a wellness doctor and right away I was on my way to gaining my life back. Fighting off candida, foot bath detox's, diet change, naet allergy treatments, heavy metal detox, 4 day bone broth fast, natural supplements, and a complete 6 month cellular detox. It was a lot of hardwork but I finally began to have normal blood results, weight loss, clearer skin, energy, clearer eyes, and less allergic reactions over a years time. 

A huge part of my success is the food I put in my body which is all organic, grain and sugar free. I am now 24 years young and have been eating this way for 5 years with excess knowledge around everything food and health. I originally felt like an outsider for the way I eat and missing out on drinking festivities during my college years. I struggled to find the foods I needed to support my lifestyle and the safe products for me to use. There since has been a shift in the food consumption and awareness to the products, chemicals, and non organics along with restaurants I can eat at with trust. With finally finding acceptance within myself I want to create a community to uplift, support, and encourage health! I've spent a lot of time in the kitchen especially over the past 5 years and have a true passion for this lifestyle and culinary. Thank you for coming along on this journey with me!

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